Sebau Slopa
Nume | Slopa |
Prenume | Sebau |
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Comentarii scrise de Sebau Slopa
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vorbe fara referinta10.11.2011, 15:33
1. tesla nu a refuzat nici un premiu nobel, pt ca nu l-a primit
2. in articol e repetat de prea multe ori "biserica ortodoxa din sat"...iugoslavia si bulgaria is printre primele tari ortodoxe. in bulgaria s-a inventat scrierea chirilica (derivatie din greaca) ( ) asta nu il face roman.
3. a zice ca is influnte romanesti in o tara din balcani....e cam fals si cu duhneala tare de protochronism.( ) mai degraba invers.
4. oraselu ala, e mult mai aproape de austria, italia si ungaria decat romania, iar in vremurile acelea, un om isi traia viata in o raza de maxim 20km de locul unde s-a nascut, fapt ce ii iface familia, statistic, cam tot de pe-acolo. Poate unu din stra-stra-bunicii lui sa fi pascut oi prin banat, dar asta il face roman, la fel cum il face pe Obama trac/dac/get, caci, pana la urma, acum 520 de generatii, cu totii eram Australepitheci.
"Since the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Marconi for radio in 1909, Thomas Edison and Tesla were mentioned in a press dispatch as potential laureates to share the Nobel Prize of 1915, leading to one of several Nobel Prize controversies. [...] In the years after these rumors, neither Tesla nor Edison won the Prize (although Edison did receive one of 38 possible bids in 1915, and Tesla did receive one bid out of 38 in 1937)"
Mitul cum ca ar fi refuzat, e doar un rumour, si chiar de ar fi adevarat, nu a facut-o din modestie, ci opus, din orgoliu: "Some sources have claimed that because of their animosity toward each other neither was given the award, despite their scientific contributions; that each sought to minimize the other's achievements and right to win the award; that both refused to ever accept the award if the other received it first; and that both rejected any possibility of sharing it"
Asadar pt ei era mai important razboiul personal decat cercetarea stiintifica pt binele/viitorul stiintei.
O indreptare istorica: NIKOLA TESLA a fost roman!