Our Readers Ask
"Is there any natural treatment against precocious puberty?"
A friend of mine has a daughter who is one year and six months and who has just had her first menstruation. She was diagnosed with precocious puberty. This situation is beyond her young parents, who do not know what to do. If any of the readers has ever confronted with a situation of this kind, please, help us. I thank you in advance!
"I would like to know of a treatment against gout"
I have been living in Canada since the summer of the year 2000, when I emigrated legally from Romania. I need advice and I would like to find out, through the intermediary of this great magazine, (for which I want to congratulate you all) some treatments against a disease I have been suffering from for about 15 years: gout. I want to state that here, in Toronto, because of the weather which has a high level of humidity, the attacks are longer and longer, even if I take the same medicines from Romania: Colchicina, Diclofenac etc. The areas where the uric acid surplus is crystallized are the joints of my hands (including the fingers) and of the knees these areas have not been affected until now. So, if any of you has used or knows something about some effective treatments different from the classic ones, please, let me know about them through the intermediary of this magazine. I thank you in advance.
Marin Corneliu-Toronto, Canada
"My mother underwent surgery because of a leiomyofibroma?"
This year in March, my 56 year old mother was diagnosed with stage three leiomyofibroma, after having undergone total hysterectomy and run the histopathologic tests. The tumor was well contoured and it had not percolated into the uterine mucous membrane. She underwent 10 sessions of cobalt therapy just after undergoing the surgery. She has recently finished the third series of cytostatics, out of six, with Farmorubricina, Ifosfamica and Mesana. This treatment should be undergone in order to destroy the possible malignant cells left in blood, to prevent recurrence. Everything happened so fast, that I still think it is a nightmare and it will pass. I really wish another tumor would not occur! I would be very grateful to you if you could share your possible experience or if you could recommend me a complementary naturist treatment, which should prevent the recurrence. I thank you in advance!
Marcela Urs - Str.Calugareni nr. 8, bl C2, sc.C, ap.49, Oradea, jud. Bihor, cod3700, tel.0259/142718,
"Does anybody knowof a treatment against Morbus Bechterew disease?"
We thank in advance to those who will take time to answer! We would like to know someone who successfully treated this disease here, in Romania, irrespective of methods (natural, medicinal, religious or some people endowed with grace by God, who could cure this disease). The patient is a 27 year-old boy from Austria and, at present, he is under medical care; however, he takes only medicines against rheumatism and the doctors draw out the water that accumulates in his joints. The boy has been suffering from this disease for three months and it takes its course very fast. What is Morbus Bechterew disease? It affects the spine and the joints, and it manifests by an increasing limitation of the mobility and the deformation of the spine. Sometimes, this disease leads to a total immobilization of one or more joints. This is the definition of this disease. At present, Radu"s disease (the boy I am writing to you about) manifests by swellings of joints and increased immobility, with the presence of the Hla-B27 antigen. He has a lot of water drawn out from the affected areas. However, mostly the rheumatism is what he is treated against and the treatment with so many medicines affects other organs. If someone has some useful information, please, contact us.
Mihaela Chis - Str. Careiului nr.8, ap.56, Satu Mare, cod 3900, tel.0261/758388, 0745/919740,
"Is it possible to cure tetraplegia using telekinesis?"
We are desperate, as our son is tetraplegic because of an accident. If you know of any treatment which could ameliorate this disease with a lot of negative physiological effects, we would like to ask you from the bottom of our hearts to call us just to let us know your phone number, and we will call you back immediately. We have heard that telekinesis may bring in ameliorations, but we do not know either what it refers to, or where it can be performed. In the case of this cruel diagnosis, any piece of information may be our hope, our ray of light. We wish all the readers of this miracle called "Formula As" to be in good health and we thank very much to those who want to help us!
Elena-Bucuresti, tel.021/3312457
"My kidneys are full of calculus"
I am 45 years old and I have been suffering from urinary lithiasis for a very long time. I underwent a bilateral (classic) and a laparoscopic surgery at my left kidney. After undergoing the last surgery I was told that I suffered from metabolism disturbance and that I could be quit of the lithiasis only with the help of some medicines bought from Italy (Thiola). I got them; I underwent the prescribed treatment, but in 2-3 months time, the calculus recurred. At present, seven years after the surgery, I suffer from coral form bilateral renal lithiasis with the occupation of the entire kidney. I cannot make physical effort or sudden movements. I need advice: how could I be quit of calculus, without undergoing surgery and through slow dissolving which should avoid the obstruction of the kidney? Thank you very much!
Ioan Rogojan(Get in touch as soon as possible with Mr. Mircea Bocan from Alba-Iulia, tel.0258/865677)
"My mother was diagnosed with pleura cancer"
Please, help me, as I am desperate! My mother, who is 52 and suffers from multiple sclerosis and gastritis, has recently been diagnosed with pleura cancer. She underwent a surgery, the doctor said that he had "cleaned" that place and he prescribed her cobalt-therapy. They cannot know yet whether it is a metastasis cancer. Please, help me to save the life of my mother, as you are my only hope. I am convinced that a natural treatment would help her, but I do not know any. Hoping that you will help me - hope is the only thing I was left with - I wish you to be in good health and I thank you very much.
Silvia S.
"My little child suffers from acute enterocolitis"
I have a son who is 2 years and 10 months old and who has been suffering from acute enterocolitis since January 2002. He has undergone a lot of treatments, but with no effect. He has diarrheic stool, with mucus, lumps, and undigested food; its smell is more unpleasant than the smell of the normal stool. The treatment he underwent consisted of antibiotics, anti-parasites and chemotherapy. Please, recommend me someone who can help me. Thank you in advance for your support and I congratulate you for the help you offer, through the intermediary of your magazine, to the people who are unwell.
Gabriela Trifu-Alexandria, Jud. Teleorman, tel.0247/317477, e-mail:
"I need a natural treatment against urethral polyp"
I am 72 years old and I would not like go into surgery. If you know of a natural treatment against urethral polyp, please, answer me through the intermediary of this magazine. Thank you very much.
M. Codreanu-com. Frumusita, jud. Galati
"I need a natural treatment against estrogenic insufficiency"
I am 40 years old and I have been at the precocious climax since I was 33 years old. I underwent a medicinal treatment with substitution hormones for one year, but some adverse reactions occurred. I interrupted the treatment about eight months ago; however, I have difficulties in bearing the climax period. I need a natural treatment, which should ameliorate the symptoms, or, if it is possible, I would like you to suggest me some plants which contain natural estrogens. Thank you very much.
Angela Giprgi-Targu-Jiu, tel.0744/131915
I suffer from paresthetic algopsychalia syndrome"
I am 53 years old and, because of a psychic trauma, I have been suffering from paresthetic algopsychalia syndrome and psychic depression. I was diagnosed with it after I had run several tests (Rmn - at spine-, computerized tomography -at head- and many others). The doctors are 80 % sure that my disease has a psychic nature. I underwent a treatment with antidepressants, cojotherapy (Cojocaru"s therapy), and acupuncture; however, the disease takes its course and manifests as it follows: my legs hurt and this makes me nervous and makes me move my legs continuously; I am also emotionally instable. Hoping that someone can help me with a medicinal or natural treatment, I thank you very much. Please, receive my respect for all the good things you do.
G.A.- Focsani
"After an abortion, I do not have ovulation anymore"
Seven years ago I underwent an abortion and I have not had ovulation and regular menstruation since then (I did not have menstruation at all for three or four months). I have undergone a treatment with Clomifem and Pregnil several times, but with no effect. I also underwent 20 sessions of reflex-therapy, but everything was in vain. This is why I suffer from chronic stress, too. If you know of any natural treatment, please, help me.
Rodica - Ilfov
Our Readers Answer
(Answer for A.O. Targu-Neamt, F. As no.508)
Dear Lady, I could help you solve your health problems by recommending you some natural treatments, if I only knew more about the disorders you suffer from. I have already treated many types of nodules, including the breast ones and I could prescribe you the right treatment if you already have the results of the medical tests or if you can describe them to me in detail so that I could find out what their nature is. The pains you have in your heel might be caused by an osteophyte or an osteoma which may be cured by natural treatments; it may also be caused by a kind of tendinitis, which is differently treated. Varicose veins and deficient blood circulation may also be treated by undergoing a natural treatment. In case these treatments are of any interest to you, I am looking forward for more details from you at tel. 0722/16/39/63.
Dr. Cristina Aosan com. Gataia, Semlacu Mare nr.120, jud. Timis, cod 1838
"Is there anybody who knows of a treatment for anal pruritus?"
(Answer for Amalia Constanta, F. As no. 510)
I would like to advise you to check whether you are infested or not with oxiuris or other parasites. You should not worry about oxyuriasis if at a close look with the naked eye at the stool (macroscopy) you did not notice any oxiuris (small, white and moving). Other parasitosis with pruritus may be excluded after running some repeated coprological tests, performed in a laboratory. If you are not very aged or if you do not suffer from a certain disease (diabetes) or from a general allergy, the pruritus produced by a local cause may also be identified at a close examination such as an anal touch, anuscopy, rectoscopy.
Prof. Dr. Doc. Ion Gherman Bucharest, tel. 021/2426651
"I have lung metastasis at only 30 years old"
(Answer for Radu C. Bucharest, F. As No.511)
Get in touch with Mr. Nicolae Pop from Cluj-Napoca as soon as possible (tel. 0264/170677). One of my acquaintances got cured of lung cancer by drinking a special birthwort herb (Aristolochia sp.) tea that he prepares. I wish you to be in good health!
Maria Chirita Pitesti, tel. 0248/642960
P.S. The same answer is valid for the letter entitled "I would like to know a cure for colon ulcerative coloproctitis" (Answer for Carmen Stoica Brasov, F. As no.511)
"How can I get cured of a hepatic hydatid cyst?"
(Answer for Iulian Avarvarei Brasov, F. As no.514)
Let me recommend you a medicinal treatment which could be undergone at the same time with a phytotherapeutic treatment (with medicinal herbs). The dose and the duration of the proper treatment can be established after a consultation, an echography and the Elisa test. I wish you to be in good health!
Prof. Dr. Doc. Ion Gherman Bucharest, tel. 021/2426651
"My husband suffers from hospital ulcer"
(Answer for the Condreas Bucharest, F. As no.514)
1. Let me recommend you a treatment undergone by one of my acquaintances who had ulcer with niche and who was suggested surgery. In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat 3 cm of fresh blackwort root (Symphytum officinale) + 1 spoonful of wheat husk and 1 spoonful of polyphloral honey mixed up in one mug of hot water. The treatment should be undergone for a period of 10 days. I wish you to be in good health!
Maria-Carmen Ramnicu-Valcea
2. The fresh potatoes juice is the best natural treatment against the gastro-duodenal ulcer. Drink half of glass of this juice three times a day, half an hour before the main meals. Another light but tonic type of food is dairy cow milk, which should not be boiled but left to get sour. Put a few minced salad leaves into a glass of milk and eat it with a teaspoon until the patient gets used to this kind of food. God help you solve this problem!
Reghina Nicoara Baita de sub Codru nr.107, Jud. Maramures, cod 4830
"Is there any natural treatment against chronic insomnia?"
(Answer for Elena Ionescu Bucharest, F. As no.514)
1. Let me recommend you a treatment with tea against insomnia and psychic diseases published in Maria Treben"s book entitled "Health from God"s Garden". Mix up 50 g of cowslip (Pimula officinalis), 25 g lavender blossom (Lavandula angustifolia), 10 g of St. John"s wort (Hypericum perforatum), 15 g of hops cone (Humulus lupus) and 5 g of valerian root (Valeriana officinalis). Take one spoonful of this mixture, soak it in boiled water and let it brew for 3 minutes. The tea should be drunk very hot, with small sips, before going to bed. I used cowslip and St. John"s wort and they were very effective for me. I also suffered from nervous disorders and I underwent the same medicinal treatment but in smaller doses. For further information please write to me.
Monica Tintosan Filpisu-Mare nr.6, com. Breaza, Jud. Mures, cod 4259
2. I suffered from the same disorder for 9 years because of a depression after my husband"s death. I tried the same medicines as you, but they had no effect. You will not solve this problem unless you know its cause. After 9 years I decided not to take medicines anymore and I was very careful for three weeks. I also had in my mouth the constant taste you mention and I realized that it was caused by some internal matter, as a consequence of the depression. And I was right: depressions may cause serious gastro-intestinal disorders. I went to the "Fundeni" Hospital from Bucharest and to the Gastroenterology Hospital where some good doctors diagnosed me with reflux oesophagitis. The hydrochloric acid from my stomach would not go down to the intestine but it would drive back through my oesophagus, thus reaching my mouth, nose and eyes and causing me permanent unrest and total insomnia. Let me recommend you to stop taking any medicine for 3-4 days and to drink a lot of plate water and light tea. On the 3rd or 4th day, after having had your dinner (at 6.00 Pm), I advise you to go to bed around 9-10 P.M. and to take one tablet of Coordinax 10 mg (a Belgian product). Buy 10 tablets of this medicine to see if they have any effect: if you begin to feel sleepy after about one hour, then this is the cause. After having undergone 2-3 days of treatment and felt its effects, see a gastroenterologist. You will have to lead a moderate and peaceful life because the disease may recur. At the same time you should also undergo a treatment with argil prescribed by dr. Mircea Bocan from Alba Iulia.
Ioana - Braila
3. Let me recommend you the following treatment: aromatherapy - camomille (Matricaria chamomilla), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), rose or oregano (Origanum spp.) essence oils have a beneficial, relaxing effect -. In the evening you should pour a few drops of these oils into the water when you take your bath or you may pour them on a handkerchief and then inhale. In the evening, before going to bed, drink a mug of hawthorn (Carataegus monogyna) infusion (one teaspoonful of blossom or two teaspoonfuls of fruit for a mug of boiling water). You should take the natural medicines "Pasiflora" and "Fitosedin", produced by Medica laboratories. Try not to undertake a strict sleeping program. Worrying to stick to it may, paradoxically, make you have even more problems in falling asleep. Think about something pleasant, try to remember good moments of your life, even from your childhood. Most of the people who have problems in falling asleep should be helped to relax.
"My daughter cannot be cured of a pilonidal cyst"
(Answer for Paulina Moise Constanta, F. As no.515)
Please, publish my answer as soon as possible because these pus collections may lead to serious complications. My sister got cured of this cyst only after undergoing six difficult surgeries. As I cannot make public the phone number of the doctor who cured my sister, I shall give you my sister"s phone number and she will help you. Call Miss Blanka Ferenczy at tel. 0262/374124. I wish you to be in good health!
Bella Duman
"My husband was diagnosed with Apotitanosis"
(Answer for Elena Hristoiu Limassol, Cyprus, F. As no. 515)
First of all, your husband should stop undergoing cortico-therapy against this disorder or against other rheumatic disorders, because the negative side effects exceed the short term beneficial effects. Let me recommend you the following complex treatment against your present disorder: right shoulder urtications he should nettle his right shoulder with a nettle (Urtica dioica). After the tegumentary irritation is gone (itching sensations, numbness, red spots on the skin) he will repeat the procedure. He should perform this procedure four times. If the pains do not go away, because his disorder is too old and there are post-therapeutic complications, he may continue the procedure until the pains disappear. For a more effective result, he should repeat the procedure the next year, too (3-4 times during the summer). Apple vinegar and honey: put 2 teaspoonfuls of 9o apple vinegar (home made or bought from the natural products shops) into a glass of water. Sweeten the mixture with honey to taste. Drink 2 glasses of it daily, with small sips, for 3 weeks; then, take a 2 week break. Nettle (Urtica dioica) infusion (1 teaspoonful of plant for one mug of boiling water) drink 2 mugs of this infusion daily for 1 month and then take a 2 week break. Argil 1 teaspoonful of it daily, in the morning, half an hour before breakfast. Put the argil into a glass (glass or porcelain) of water in the previous evening. Stir it well before administering it; if there is some argil left in the glass, pour some more water and drink it all. Argil should be administered for 3 months; it is advisable to repeat the procedure for 3 weeks during spring and autumn. eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible and also fruit and vegetables fresh juice. Avoid drinking coffee, alcohol and eating too many proteins (especially the proteins contained by meat and other meat products). I wish you to be in good health!
Dr. Cristina Aosan Semlacu Mare nr.120, com. Gataia, Jud. Timis, cod 1838, tel. 0722/163963
"My voice is getting lower"
(Answer for Silvia Resita, F. As no.515)
Before undergoing any treatment, I strongly advise you to see an Orl doctor, because these symptoms may be the result of a vocal cords polyp or of another disorder, the treatment depending on the cause. If the doctors exclude other disorders and they decide that the diagnosis is vocal cords hypotension, then you should drink Lady"s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) tea (infusion made up of one teaspoonful of plant for a mug of water; two mugs during the whole day); gargle many times a day with Shepherd"s purse (capsella bursapastoris) tea (infusion made up of one teaspoonful of plant for a mug of water).
Dr. Cristina Aosan
"My two month little daughter suffers from cranial hematoma"
(Answer for Mariana Dumitru Bucharest, F. As no.516)
1. My son, aged 1 year and a half, was also born with cranial hematoma. As we were very worried, we tried to learn as much as possible about this disease, from doctors and from specialized books. The new-born babies who suffer from cranial hematoma are very rare cases (1 in a 100). The cranial hematoma is a liquid accumulation that occurs externally and resembles a huge bump, which is at first soft at touch and later gets harder. It is caused by the pressures exercised on the baby"s head during the labor. In time, it withdraws little by little, almost imperceptibly, until your baby is six months old. There may appear certain complications, such as: calcium precipitate inside the cranial hematoma, a light anemia, but very rarely. It is unadvisable to puncture the cranial hematoma, because of the high risk of infection. Do not have your daughter operated! You should see a medicine man in order for you not to worry anymore. I strongly advise you to be patient; in time, your daughter"s head will come to a normal shape. Do not worry anymore. My son is perfectly normal and healthy and also lively, without any surgery.
Aurora Monica Oprise com. Pui, sat Uric nr.97, Jud. Hunedoara, cod 2668
(Dear Mrs. Oprise, we would like to learn different things about the region you live in.)
2. 14 years ago I lived the joy of my first baby a boy who was normal at birth but who had the same problem as your daughter. The cranial hematoma occurred because of the labor; at birth, the baby had a large hematoma on the top of his head, in the posterior region; this worried me, too. This cranial hematoma withdrew gradually, within a few months, but because it was extended on a large area, the baby"s head remained flat in the respective area. As the pediatrist also told me at that time, the cranial hematoma does not affect in any way the psychomotor development. My son is now 14 years old and he is very well developed from the intellectual point of view; he is also intelligent and has great performances in school. His subsequent development confirmed what the doctor had told me. Moreover, until he was 3-4 years old, his head came to a normal shape, without any mark of the hematoma he had had at birth. Although I am not a doctor, I would like to advise you not to take any medical steps especially because your daughter"s Ct result is good. There is no need for surgery or for you to intervene. I was also worried but I completely trusted the pediatrist"s advice. My child"s subsequent development proved that he had been right. I wish you well and your daughter to be in good health!
Mariana Gyergyai Fagaras, Jud. Brasov