
HealthOur readers ask. "My little daughter suffers from melanoma of iris". I am the mother of a 12 years old girl, who was born with a spot on her iris. Meanwhile, this spot has proved to be a tumor. The doctors diagnosed her with melanoma of iris (malignant tumor). They have told us that the best th...

HealthOur readers ask

</b><b>"My little daughter suffers from melanoma of iris"

I am the mother of a 12 years old girl, who was born with a spot on her iris. Meanwhile, this spot has proved to be a tumor. The doctors diagnosed her with melanoma of iris (malignant tumor). They have told us that the best thing our daughter should do is to undergo a surgery (possibly to have her eye surgically removed). If you know of any effective treatment against this disease, please, let us know about it through the intermediary of the magazine. Thank you very much!
Carmen Matei- Botosani

</b><b>"My mother suffers from mammary ductal carcinoma"

My mother was diagnosed with T2N1Mx right mammary ductal infiltrative carcinoma. I would be grateful to you if you recommended me a natural treatment as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.
Cristina Oprisor- str. Crisan nr. 63, bl. O1, sc. 5, apt. 8, Drobeta Turnu Severin, cod 1500, tel. 0252/332289

"I suffer from facial paraspasm"

I have been trying to recover my health for almost three years and I still cannot manage to do that. I was diagnosed with facial paraspasm- disease that began with a slight discomfort at my eyes and with extremely frequent blinking. Now I keep my eyes closed for 3-4 minutes, without being able to open them. The spasms got from my face to my maxillaries and to my neck. I have terrible pains that will not let me rest. I have undergone treatment with psychotropic medicines, but with no effect. If you have ever been confronted with such suffering and you managed to get cured, please, help me. May God bless you!
Constanta Ciocan- Tigveni, Jud. Arges

"Our mother suffers from oligodendroglioma"

We are two brothers (15, respectively13 years old) and we would like to ask you to help us save our mother"s life. We do not have anybody but her in our lives! In 1998 she was diagnosed with right oligodendroglioma (cerebral tumor) and she underwent a surgery. She was in Iii rd degree coma for three days. Unfortunately, the disease recurred and she underwent another two surgeries: in 2000 and in September 2001. She took cobalt rays and chemotherapy sessions, but she does not feel well and she was pensioned off on medical grounds. She has an invalidity certificate (she was left with hemi-paresis) and she tries hard to keep us in schools. Please, recommend us a natural treatment that could help her regain her health. Thank you very much!
Adrian and Alin Stanoiev- Aleea Martir Octavian Tantaru, bl. 5, sc. B, apt. 20, Timisoara

"Could the achalasia of cardia be cured?"

My husband suffers from achalasia of cardia (the opening of the esophagus into the stomach is strangled). Please, tell me how this disease could be treated. Thank you very much!
B.V. Galati

"My little boy was diagnosed with Zodi Sever growing disease"

I am the desperate mother of a 9 years old boy who started to have some terrible pains at his heels one week ago. This is why he is now immobilized and he cannot even put his feet on the ground. The orthopedists diagnosed him with Zodi Sever growing disease (a growing bud, having the shape of a half moon, located behind the calcaneus). There is a possibility that this disorder should occur at the other leg, too. He was prescribed only inflammatory medicines (Aspirin, Algocalmin, Diclofenac- ointment, Profenid -ketoprofenum, produced by Rhone-Poulene Rorer-gel etc.) to make the pains cease, and also calcium. The fact is that my son cannot walk; I would like to ask you to help me as soon as possible to find details about this disease and what treatment he could undergo in order to get cured.
Felicia Moldoveanu- str. Bobalna nr. 6A, Campina, Jud. Prahova, tel. 0244/335046, fax 0244/351631

</b><b>"I suffer from chronic bilateral cholesteatomatous otomastoiditis"

I have a health problem that has been troubling me for a long time. I suffer from chronic bilateral cholesteatomatous otomastoiditis with left ear suppurations and both my ear drums are perforated. The doctors suggested that I should undergo a surgery (the breaking of the bone from behind the ear and the removal of the cholesteatoma that eats into the bone). Does anybody know any natural treatment that could help me avoid undergoing the surgery? I am 44 years old and I have had problems with my ears since I was six years old, because of mumps. I had my tonsils surgically removed. I had polyps inside both my ear drums and, by surgically removing the polyps, my ear drums remained perforated. If I do not undergo the surgery, is it possible for this cholesteatoma to continue to eat into bone and for some complications to occur? The cholesteatoma is a benignant tumor that is situated in the mastoid cavity. I am looking forward to receiving an answer from you by the medium of the magazine as soon as possible.
Marius Firica Urziceni

</b><b>"I was diagnosed with astheno-dystonic syndrome"

I am 48 years old and I have felt my entire body (especially the stomach) very strained in the last two years that I cannot rest and find my peace. I can feel my stomach react at any movement I make, as if it were a mixer. It strains at every emotion. I do not know how long I can still bear it. I cannot even describe my state: I do not have any specific pains and however I feel very bad. I have undergone all kind of treatments, but with no effect. I am looking forward to receiving advice from you. Thank you in advance1
Valerica Popa- Galati, tel. 0236/492752

</b><b>"My son has muscular hypotonic attacks"

I have a 2, 5 year old son who has muscular hypotonic attacks: he bends his head (forward or backward) while he tries to keep his sight normally directed; his muscles especially those from his arms-get strained, and he cannot coordinate his movements- he has no strength. The attacks last for a few minutes (2-3) and they occur especially when he eats and between 15.00 and 17.00. In March 2002 he got a cold (clinically diagnosed) and these attacks occurred for the first time during the convalescence period. They do not occur at regular intervals. There are weeks when he is fine, and then he has attacks a few days consecutively. During this time, if you ask him what is wrong with him, he says that he has a sore throat and he gets angry for his helplessness; then he seems tired for about 30 minutes and he wants to rest. After this, he resumes his activity, as if nothing had happened. As for the rest, he is an active child who runs, speaks, is merry, but is very sensitive (he cries if we scold him). He has undergone several treatments with vitamins, minerals, muscular nutrients. He has run medical tests and neurology investigations. Besides the minimum value at Ca, Mg, Ph and slightly high values at Ldh, the doctors did not detect anything and decided upon the same diagnosis- muscular hypotonic attacks. He also underwent the homeopathic treatment with Calcarea Carbonica 30 Ch (1 dose at every two weeks), but the attacks would not cease. Please, help me find a clinic where he can run some specialized medical tests or there may be parents or doctors who were confronted with a similar problem and managed to solve it. Thank you very much!
Anca David- Teius, tel. 0745/624924

</b><b>"Does anybody know of a treatment against vasculitis?"

I am 42 years old and I have been feeling very bad since April 2002. I was hospitalized at the County Hospital from Timisoara, being diagnosed with vasculitis. 8 weeks later, I started undergoing dialysis. My kidneys function at only 30 % of their capacity. If you know of any treatment against the disease I suffer from, please, let me know about it by the medium of the magazine. Thank you very much!
Maria Cosma- Marghita, Jud. Bihor, tel. 0745/312470

</b><b>"Help me so that I could speak normally"

I write to you, hoping that there may be a reader who knows a solution for my problem. As a consequence of having undergone a surgery at the basis of my tongue, I was left with right side paralysis. While undergoing the surgery, I had my tongue nerve cut and my tongue lost its mobility, preventing me from being able to speak and to swallow normally. Please, tell me who I could turn to, so that I could solve this problem. Thank you very much!
Alexandru I. - Ramnicu-Valcea

"My mother has one of her legs paralyzed and at the other leg, the veins are completely sclerosed"

My 60 years old mother suffers from diabetes (she is dependent on insulin) and two months ago she suffered a cerebral attack followed by a right side paralysis. Three weeks ago she started to have terrible pains at her left leg and a wound occurred at her little toe. When running the oscillometry, the doctors noticed that the blood did not circulate at all through her foot. She was diagnosed with arteritis. The doctors tried to clear her veins, but everything proved to be useless: her veins are completely sclerosed. I am desperate when I think that my mother is in the danger of having her only leg she can lean on amputated. Being so desperate, having tears into my eyes and having faith in God, I kindly ask you to help me to alleviate my mother"s suffering. May God protect you for everything you do for us!
Alina- Pitesti

Our readers answer

"I need a treatment so that I could have the perception hypoacusis reduced"
(Answer for Mircea Ivan- Bucharest, F. As nr. 492)

You should see an Orl doctor, so that he could establish whether your ear drum has polyps or granulations. You should take this opportunity to run an audiogram, so that the hypoacusis degree could be established, and then you should undergo the following natural treatment. Mix 30-40 g propolis with 100 ml alcohol 950 or buy propolis alcoholic solution 30-40% from Plafar, Apimondia or from the natural pharmacies. Mix this solution with olive oil or corn oil in proportion of 1:4 (one part propolis solution and 4 parts oil). Clean your ears well with warm water and a piece of lint. Before going to sleep, stir well the propolis and oil solution and after this soak a small piece of lint (wool, fine cloth) into this mixture and introduce it into the ear auditory channel. You could apply this procedure during the daytime, as well, if the patients" preoccupations allow this. After 14 days of treatment, the patient will notice an obvious improvement of his hearing and the noises inside his ears will get away. You should see the specialized Orl doctor again to run another audiogram, to see the level of your curing. In parallel with this treatment, as well as after undergoing it, you should use everything you know in order to remove that "cause of all the diseases"- atherosclerosis. At the same time with the treatment and after you finish it, you should drink periwinkle (Vinca minor) tea during the daytime (not in the evening, as it causes insomnia). It improves the cerebral circulation and also the ear area circulation. The medicine Vincristin (vincristinum, produced by Sindan), obtained from Vinca minor, could also be used. May the healing fill your body and your soul with joy!
Enciu Nicanor- biologist pr. med str. Baisoara nr. 9, sc. 2, apt. 83, Cluj-Napoca

"My stomach does not digest and my organism does not assimilate anything"
(Answer for Lacramioara Iasi, F. As nr. 492)

The pure Aloe Vera gel has the capacity of regulating the metabolism, of cleaning the organism of toxins and, at the same time, of feeding him with the most important nutrient substances. It is very indicated against gastric disorders. I could help you get these products.
Magdalena Popa- str. Viitorului nr. 160, sector 2, Bucharest

"I am fat and I want to lose weight"
(Answer for Daniela Ponta- Toronto, Canada, F. As nr. 508)

1. At "Nature secrets" naturism group, which is held within the Popular University from Cluj- Napoca, a product obtained from dry vegetables and soy protein extract was presented. It is a combination of medicine and food product with the help of which some people managed to lose up to 30 kg during one month. I really hope that you will have the satisfaction of eating and losing weight.
Stela Potra-Pod, group coordinator- tel. 0744/585773
2. I would like to recommend you a diet with the help of which, if it is strictly kept, you will manage both to lose weight and to improve your psychical state. The diet is easy to be kept (I myself managed to keep it). The period of time: 42 up to 60 days, depending on how many kg you want to lose. For a period of 42 days, you should eat only the food mentioned below: green vegetables, beans, soy, potatoes with hot spices, barley, oat, and all fruit (except for the sour fruit). Drink water with natural honey (honey not thermically treated) in the morning, before eating; after meals you should drink tea or coffee; in the evening (before 18.00) you should eat pumpkin seeds (at most 100 seeds a day). While undergoing the treatment, you should not eat rice, meat, fish, fat food, milky products, sour fruit, sugar, dry fruit and you should not drink alcoholic drinks. The following green vegetables are recommended: celery, parsley, leek, onion, turnip-rooted cabbage, turnip, common parsnip, germinated wheat, beet root, stinging nettle and spinach. You should also drink plants tea so that you could tolerate the severe diet. The diet will prove to be successful if you use natural honey and plants tea, in the morning and in the evening. To undergo the treatment you need about 30 g natural honey every day, this means a total quantity of 1.5 kg natural honey and 168 doses (spoonfuls) of plants tea. I could offer you these products for free, so, please, inform me about your address. The power of mind is essential in what you want to accomplish. You should not doubt the success of the treatment!
Eng. Bogdan Victor- str. Ion Berindei nr. 1, bl. S22, sc. D, apt. 167, Bucharest, cod 72248, tel. 2426736, 0723/742398

</b><b>"I have a very poor memory"
(Answer for L. A. Vaslui, F. As nr. 512)

Since old times, the inhabitants of Asia have noticed the beneficial effects that certain plants have on the central nervous system. Very good results were obtained when associations with Ginkgo Biloba, Reishi fungus, Schisandra and Fo-ti remedy were used. These plants improve the cerebral circulation, increase the speed of transmitting the information through the nervous cells and are general tonics, being indicated against memory loss, stress and chronic tiredness. All these plants are included in the product Ginkgo Plus. For further details regarding these remedies, you can contact me at tel. 021/6441440 (between 20.00 and 22.00).
Dr. Alin Popescu- str. L. Patrascanu no. 13, bl. G1, apt. 67, sector 3, Bucharest, O. P. 49

</b><b>"I suffer from atrial arrhythmia"
(Answer for Elena Copcea- Iasi, F. As nr. 515)

You actually suffer from atrial fibrillation and you should contact a cardiologist as soon as possible in order to take medical advice and to be prescribed a treatment. The natural treatment that I recommend you, complementary to the allopathic one, is the following one: hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) tea - 3 mugs a day; respiratory gymnastics (deep inspiration, followed by total expiration, 20 cycles- in the morning, at noon and in the evening); vegetarian and hypo-sodic diet, excluding the animal fats; walks in the open - for at least one hour a day. I wish you to be in good health!
Ioan Giurgiu- str. Lt. Negel nr. 50, sector 6, Bucharest

"I need a treatment against spine-cellular carcinoma"
(Answer for Gabi- Brasov, F. As nr. 516)

Internally- you should make a tea of the following plants: 10 g arnica (Arnica Montana), 10 g mistletoe (Viscum album), 10 g shepherd"s purse (capsella bursa pastoris), 20 g dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), 5g garden sage (Salvia officinalis), 10 g stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), 20 g dead nettle (Lamium maculatum), 1 g birthwort herb (Aristolochia sp.), 10 g periwinkle (Vinca herbacea) and 10 g daisy (Bellis perennis). Way of preparing the tea: put 4 spoonfuls of the above mentioned mixture into 1, 5 l of water and let them brew from evening till morning. In the morning boil it for 30 minutes, let it get cold and strain it. Do not sweeten it, keep it in a cold place and stir it before using it. Drink 50 ml of this tea, three times a day, half an hour before meals. Externally - you should apply compresses with raw aloe leaves, for 6-8 hours (it is rather difficult to tolerate it, but it is very effective). As for the rest, you should smear the respective area with blackwort (Symphytum officinale) ointment. I wish you to be in good health!
Florin Mihulin- str. Aghires nr. 4, villa nr. 220, sc. B, apt. 24, sector 2, Bucharest, cod 71452

</b><b>"I have been permanently very agitated and nervous since I was 12 years old"
(Answer for Robert- Tulcea, F. As nr. 531)

I really sympathize with you, as I have a 22 years old son who, because of an unfavorable family environment (permanents arguments and beatings, as my husband is alcoholic), was left with psychic traumas, which manifested exactly like in your case. This is why he also repeated one university year, which made me take him to see a neuropsychiatry"s, but the effects were hardly visible. The only treatment that made my son get cured (and I pray to God to keep him like this) was reflex- therapy, combined with phytotherapy; this method is applied at "Revital" Consulting room from Bucharest. The therapists working at this consulting room are very good and they communicate with patients very well. I enjoyed every step made towards getting cured. My son took 25 massage sessions in order to obtain the expected result and it was worth the effort, as it is a non-aggressive, pleasant and relaxing treatment. This treatment should be correlated with an alimentary diet which the staff from the consulting room will recommend you. If you go to "Revital", I am convinced that your problems will get solved. Here are the addresses of "Revital" consulting rooms: str. Iancu de Hunedoara nr. 9, bl. I1, sc. B, apt. 44, interphone 044, tel. 021/2301167, 0722/310877; Calea Mosilor nr. 227, bl. 37, sc. 2, apt. 58, interphone 58, ground floor, tel. 021/2103920: Brasov: str. Zizinului nr. 2, bl. 40, apt. 2, sc. C, 1st floor, interphone 002, tel. 0268/310368.
Gabriela Ionescu- teacher- Bucharest, tel. 021/2550516

</b><b>"I need a natural treatment against ankylosing spondylitis"
(Answer for Barbu Oprea- Timisoara, F. As nr. 536)

The acupuncture is a very effective remedy against pains and this is why it is also called "pain therapy". The therapeutic indications offered by the Chinese traditional medicine may be successfully tackled by electric stimulation, electro puncture. Your wife could resort to this remedy to make the pains cease. For further details you should contact Eng. Ruxandra Gorodea, head of Attendance and Assistance Center from Pojorata (tel. 0230/ 236256) where, during a period of eight months, 104 procedures with the electro puncture device were performed to people aged between 60 and 89 years old that were under medical attendance.
Maria Luminita Birlea- tel. 0264/138768

"I have terrible pains in my hands, legs and spine"
(Answer for Niculina Stan- Ploiesti, F. As nr. 537)

I was also confronted with similar terrible sufferings 10-15 years ago. I saw many bioenergeticians, I resorted to natural remedies, I went to several spa, but all with no effect. In 1997, I read in "Formula As" about the magneto-therapeutic treatment performed by Mrs. Lili Colotin from Galati (tel. 0236/435858), who seemed trustful to me. I thought that I should try the treatment with magnets, which was quite cheap compared with the sum of money I had spent before. By a telephone order I received both the magnets and the method of undergoing the treatment. Two weeks later, the pains ceased and gradually, they got away. Since I started using it - more than four years ago- I have been given two series of 20 injections (algae combinations, produced by Biotehnos), and I continue to feel very well. I also recommended this treatment to other acquaintances of mine; they ordered the magnet, used it and felt well. It restores the blood pressure- especially the low blood pressure-, the poor blood circulation- including the arteritis-, discopathy and even the discal hernia, leukoneuraxitis and trigeminal neuralgia. It eliminates the renal and small biliary calculus. The burns, too, get cured very quickly with the help of the magnet. Some patients managed to avoid undergoing surgeries, stopped using the walking stick. It also has a beneficial action upon the animals and plants, by using of magnetized water. It could replace bio-energy, acupuncture, and press-puncture; all in all you have a doctor in your house permanently. The miraculous results obtained by Mrs. Lili Colotin have already been presented in "Formula As" magazine. I wish you to be in good health! May God help you in everything you do as we could not do anything without God!
Emilia Amzica- com. Stalpeni, Jud. Arges, cod 0411, O.P. Stalpeni

</b><b>"My husband suffers from allergy"
(Answer for Florenta- Boston, Sua, F. As nr. 537)

Your husband can successfully undergo a homeopathic treatment, extremely simple and effective. You should contact a homeopathic doctor from your town or give me details regarding his state at the e-mail address:
Dr. Ionescu Mihaita Radu, "Dr. Nicolaie Kretzulescu" Center of Diagnosis and Ambulatory Treatment- str. Mihai Voda nr. 17, sector 5, Bucharest
(This answer is also applicable to Mihai P.- Piatra- Neamt, F. As nr. 537: "I cannot get rid of chronic polysinusitis")

"I suffer from diabetes and osteoporosis"
(Answer for Lucica- Bucharest, F. As nr. 538)

The treatment of your disease has several therapeutic options. Before starting it, by all means, you should try to balance your glycemia values by keeping a diet, doing physical effort and using medicinal plants. I would like to recommend you a natural product- Omega3, which has an important role in balancing the glycemia values; against osteoporosis let me recommend you Calcium and Magnesium with vitamin D3, obtained from organic sources, which is perfectly assimilated by the organism.
Dr. Ion Pavel- Bucharest, tel. 021/3149091

</b><b>"I suffer from obliterating arteriopathy and atherosclerosis"
(Answer for Ion Marin- Focsani, F. As nr. 539)

Dear Sir, the obliterating arteriopathy and atherosclerosis are characterized by atheroma on the internal walls of the blood vessels. As a consequence of this, the blood vessels get rigid and the vascular lumen gets narrow. Depending on the type of the lesions, the treatment is dietetic, medicinal or surgical. I advise you to avoid using animal fats, alcohol, coffee and smoking. You may also associate an alimentary supplement, Bio- Biloba, 100 % natural, which will help your blood circulate more easily, as it improves the micro-circulation, controls the contraction of the muscular coat of the veins and arteries, and reduces the risk of thrombosis complications. I wish you to be in good health!
Dr. Claudoia Ciocan- Bucharest, tel. 021/2023023

</b><b>"Is it possible for the hepatic cirrhosis to be cured?"
(Answer for R. T. Bucharest, F. As nr. 539)

Having the same diagnosis, my 65 year old mother underwent a treatment recommended by the Chinese traditional medicine, with the following products: Cordiceps, Chitosan, Calcium, Spirulina, Zinc and Holican. The treatment was undergone for a period of three months. At the same time with it, she used products extracted from insects, as Dr. Biologist Mircea Ciuhrii had prescribed her. After having undergone these treatments, the transaminases value got from 175 to 28 (!!), and the echography showed that the liver had a normal size, with the aspect of a slight hepatitis. After a one months break, my mother restarted to undergo the treatment and she feels very well. I wish you to be in good health1
Manuela- Iasi, tel. 0788/230188, e-mail: