
Health. Our Readers Ask. Specification:. The new phone numbers of Mr. Vasile Popa ("Natura Medica" Consulting Room- Bucharest) are: 021/4500525, 4507328. . "I had a miscarriage because of the uterine fibromas". After having run an echography, the doctors detected four fibromas on my uterus.. This is why...

Our Readers Ask


The new phone numbers of Mr. Vasile Popa ("Natura Medica" Consulting Room- Bucharest) are: 021/4500525, 4507328

"I had a miscarriage because of the uterine fibromas"

After having run an echography, the doctors detected four fibromas on my uterus.
This is why I had a miscarriage at 17 weeks of pregnancy. After the miscarriage, one of the fibromas is 8 cm. If you can help me with a natural treatment, please, answer me through the intermediary of the magazine or at the e-mail address. Thank you very much!
Lili Firtala- e-mail:

"As a consequence of some burns, my husband was left with keloid scars"

As a consequence of an explosion (November 2001), my 34 year old husband suffered serious burns, Iii and Iv degree, on about 67% from the surface of his body and a right shank fracture. By a miracle, he survived and he got healed through treatment against burns with spontaneous directed epithelization. He was left with keloid scars on big areas; these scars are very painful and they do not allow the skin to be stretched by any kind of movements. If you know a remedy against the keloid scars, please, let me know about it. Thank you very much!
R.B.- St.Nicolae Balcescu nr.5, Sibiu, tel.0269/217276, e-mail:

"My husband suffers from peritoneal carcinosis and vascular decompensated cirrhosis"

My 47 year old was hospitalized at Oradea, then at Cluj. After having run some medical investigations, he was diagnosed with peritoneal carcinosis without detecting a primary tumor and with vascular decompensated cirrhosis. He underwent three biopsies and he got 4 l of liquid aspirated. Let me also mention that he has not drunk alcohol and he has not smoked for 10 years. I would like you to publish my desperate appeal and to help my husband continue to live. We would be grateful for any piece of advice and any address for a possible treatment in this situation, offered by the traditional or alternative medicine. Hoping that my appeal will get an answer from the readers of the great magazine "Formula As", thank you very much!
Maria Serac Oradea

"I suffer from upper polar atrophic gastritis and gastro-esophageal intermittent hernia-type I"

I am 63 years old and I write you to ask you to help me with a piece of advice to get cured of the disease I have been suffering from for more than one year. The disease is called upper polar atrophic gastritis. I have run a biopsy, too, but no tumor was detected, the result of the biopsy is gastritis with severe glandular epithelium atrophy. I also suffer from gastro-esophageal intermittent hernia-type I. The allopathic treatments that I underwent were not effective at all. This is why I would like to ask the readers who were confronted with similar diseases to recommend me a natural treatment or a doctor who could help me get cured or, at least, alleviate my pains. Thank you very much!
Elena Iancu- Urziceni</b>

</b><b>"I need a natural treatment against alveolitis"

I write to you, hoping that you could help me. I have had lung problems since 1999. I have recently run an echography at my left lung and the doctors have told me that I have a diffuse alveolitis area, with inflammatory densities and inner calcification, where a pleural adherence occurs, too. I would be grateful for any advice from people who suffered or suffer from this disorder and have undergone natural treatments. Thank you very much!
Maria- Luna de Sus, Jud. Cluj

"My friend has a polyp on her uterus"

Please, help my friend who has a big problem. At a gynecologic examination, the doctor detected a polyp on her uterus. She ran a colposcopy, an echography and everything is normal. She would rather not undergo a polyp surgery. We would like to know whether there is another way of getting cured and if there is not, what the risks of the extirpation are. May God give you good health for all the good things you do. Kind regards,
Cornelia Ulea- Piatra-Neamt

</b><b>"I was diagnosed with pressure urticaria"

I am 29 years old and I send you this letter as you are my last hope of finding the remedy of urticaria I have been suffering from for more than one month. I saw the dermatologist and he prescribed me Aerius known as Clarinex in Usa- (1/day), Ketotifen ketotifenum, produced by Labormed S.R.L.-(2/day), Hidroxizin hydroxyzinum, produced by Sicomed S.A.-(1/day). I also underwent a treatment with Prednisone, prescribed by the doctor, and then I reverted to the initial treatment. I kept a strict diet during this time (cream cheese, plate water, boiled fruit and vegetables). I was diagnosed with pressure urticaria. This urticaria occurs on any body part as a consequence of any "traumatism"- however slight it may be (the respective area turns red, warm and gets a little swollen). The skin itching sensation becomes worse in the evening. It is a real nightmare. If you know an allopathic or natural treatment, please, help me. Thank you very much!
Liliana Chiriac- Iasi

</b><b>"I have a light red spot between my eyebrows and my eyes are stinging"

I am 64 years old and last year in October a light red spot occurred between my eyebrows, at the basis of my nose. It did not trouble me for two months, but my eyes have started to be stinging and my sight troubles me. I have seen many doctors, but none of them knows what is wrong with me. When I lie in bed, the stinging sensation ceases a little bit, but when I stand up, I am completely dizzy. If you know any natural treatment or any other method to get cured, please, help me. I wish you to be in good health!
Antoneta Ion- Bucharest

"I am confronted with blood vessels fragility"

I am 45 years old and I wish you could help me solve a very delicate health problem. As a consequence of the blood vessels fragility, my cheeks are purple-red all the time. Any transition from warm to cold temperatures (and the other way round) and any sun exposing causes this problem to me. I have always used adequate good creams, alcohol-free cleansing cream and lotions. The doctor specialized in phlebology has told me that no creams are recommended to me. My skin has been even drier and my disorder has not been alleviated for three weeks, since I gave up using creams. I would like to thank in advance to all the readers of your magazine who can and will give me the necessary advice. Best regards,
Corina Munteanu- Ploiesti

Some years ago I read in "Formula As" about the miracle taking place in Geoagiu Bai: a doctor from China who performs miracles through her treatments. My suffering is the following one: as a consequence of undergoing some surgeries, I was left with both legs paresis. I need to contact this doctor, but I do not know either her address or her phone number. Could you help me? Thank you very much for your kindness! With respect and gratitude,
Petru Surugiu- Piatra-Neamt

"I suffer from diabetes and osteoporosis"

I am a 70 year old pensioner, very sick and tired of medicines. I have been suffering from type Ii diabetes mellitus for twenty years. I had not had any problem until 1978, when I suffered a urine loss attack, I lost 6 kg in four days and I could not walk any more, my feet seemed to have frozen. I got hospitalized at "Cantacuzino" hospital and the doctors detected the value of my glycemia 315%. I immediately started undergoing a treatment with insulin, but it made me feel worse. I used to be hungry all night long and the skin from my hands and legs used to graze. Then, I started taking tablets, keeping the diabetes diet and the hunger sensation decreased, but I still could not walk. I ran other medical tests and the doctor detected osteoporosis at my left leg. I take Fosamax (acidum alendronicum, produced by Merch Sharp & Dohme) every morning, effervescent calcium and Alpha D3 (alfacalcidol, produced by Gerolymatos Group of Companies) during the day, but no alleviation can be noticed (I cannot stand up). If you have ever been confronted with these sufferings and you managed to alleviate them, at least a little, please, help me because I cannot bear them any more. I am exhausted and desperate. Thank you very much! I wish you to be in good health!
Lucica- str. Tache Ionescu nr. 1, apt. 20, sector 1, Bucharest, tel. 021/6595384

"I want to attend acupuncture courses"

I attend the courses of "Hypocrate" College, balneo-physiotherapy section and I would like you to tell me if there are certified courses of acupuncture in Constanta (possibly in Bucharest). Thank you very much! I am looking forward to getting an answer from you!
Mirela Pahomie- Constanta

Our readers answer

"I need a natural treatment against hemorrhoid trombophlebitis"
(Answer for Florin- Craiova, F.As nr. 493)

I suggest you should take seat baths with birthwort herb (Aristolochia sp.) and horse tail (Equisetum arvense). You can buy box thorn oil (Lycium Barbarum) from a natural pharmacy, as I believe that there are natural pharmacies in all the big towns now. It is a real miracle! This oil should be used externally, 2-3 times a day, and for the internal use you should take a teaspoonful three times a day, before the main meals. The cure should be kept for three months. The box thorn oil is a local disinfectant and the strongest cicatrizing. You should not forget that a food diet against constipation is also necessary. You will certainly succeed if you have faith!
Eugenia Grumazescu- Bd. Republicii, bl.7, sc. C, apt. 16, Bacau

"I suffer from duodeno-gastro-esophageal reflux"
(Answer for Cipriana Toderas, F.As nr. 491)

I also suffered from the same disease, but I have not had problems for almost one year as I underwent a treatment with argil. You may know the receipt, as it has been published in "Formula As" many times. Put one teaspoonful of argil into a glass of water and let it decant from the respective evening till the next morning. In the morning you should stir the content and drink the argil water without having eaten anything before. You should wait 20-30 minutes and then you may eat. You should write to Mr. Mircea Bocan (Alba-Iulia, str. Avantului nr. 19, bl. J6, apt. 8, tel. 0258/865677), and he will send you a packet with 2 kg of Tibetan argil at a very good price (200.000lei + postal charges). Until you receive the argil, you may use the medicinal coal, which is effective for a short period of time, while the argil cures you, if you use it the way indicated in the prospectus from the packet. I wish you to be in good health!
Constanta Scintei- str. Cezla nr. 3, bl. B1a, sc. 2, apt. 66, sector 3, Bucharest

"My mother cannot get rid of the itching sensations caused by the Sezary syndrome"
(Answer for Gabriela Florea- Iasi, F.As nr. 493)

A long standing treatment is necessary against this rather uncommon disorder; the treatment should be also accompanied by a natural diet, based on fruit, vegetables, natural juices (home made), Oshawa diet, crude oil compresses, distilled water in which you should pour some sea water, germinated wheat, honey and other apicultural products, red goat milk and others. You may also use birthwort herb (Aristolochia sp.) products against Sezary syndrome.
Dr. Eng. Birca Georgel- St.Sucevei nr.31, Falticeni, Jud. Suceava, tel.0745/400400

</b><b>"I was diagnosed with molluscum contagiosum (epithelial)"
(Answer for Mihaela- Timisoara, F.As nr. 493)

1. I suffered from this virus localized at the eyelids level, which was considered very dangerous at that time (1949). I was diagnosed by Dr. Vintilescu from the National Bank Dispensary, Bucharest, and I was introduced to Prof. Dr. Manolescu from Coltea Hospital, Bucharest, who performed a surgery, cauterizing every single dot (little wound) from my eyelids (I had about 20 dots on every eyelid) under the microscope. I do not want to contradict the dermatologist who has explained to you that there is the risk that the disease should recur after undergoing the surgery. In my situation, after 52 years, the disease has not recurred.
Ec. Vasile Stupic- str. Avram Iancu nr. 49, sc. B, apt. 6, Brasov, cod 2200
2. I also had a similar problem: some small vesicles, full of liquid, used to appear on my face and they troubled me a lot. I saw a doctor and he told me that there was a disease caused by a virus, called herpes. I underwent the treatment prescribed by the doctor, but the problem was not solved: the vesicles continued to occur. I also inquired about a natural treatment, as you did, and an acquaintance of mine told me about a plant, called aloe, that could help me solve my problem. If you have an aloe in a flower pot at home, cut a slice of leaf, squeeze it and use its juice to smear your skin in the area of the vesicles every day. If you do not have the plant, you may use certain aloe creams, as I did. Let me give you the phone number of a doctor, from whom I bought such cream: 0721/274689. At first, I smeared my face and the area of my lips with cream when the eruption occurred and it ceased much sooner. Then, I began to smear my face with cream every evening. I have not had any eruption for almost four months since I began this procedure, even though it used to occur especially during this period of the year. I hope that my answer will be helpful to you.
Florica Marcut- Tasnad
P.S. - Let me thank very much to "Formula As" magazine, by the medium of which I found out about this wonderful treatment that helped me a lot and also for what it has managed to accomplish. It is a great magazine!
3. I was also diagnosed with molluscum contagiosum, but I want to assure you that, once removed, it never recurs. I had it on my both eyelids: especially at my right eye, they were so many, that they formed a crust. I was also told that the only solution was to undergo a surgery - actually a dot by dot curettage. As it was located in such a delicate area and as I also had a hemangioma, I was afraid. The dermatologist suggested that I should try marigold tea (Calendula). I made a concentrated marigold infusion, which I used to wash myself 2-3 times every day, and in the evening I used to apply compresses on the respective area for 5-10 minutes. Every day I drank sweet basil tea (Prunella vulgaris) and marjoram tea (Origanum Marjorana) (you can buy these plants from "Plafar"). In four months" time the vesicles got dry and disappeared. I suggest you should try this treatment. I wish you to be in good health!
Cecilia- str. Parang nr. 39, bl. T1, apt. 98, Cluj-Napoca

</b><b>"I need a treatment against toxoplasmosis"
(Answer for Lucia R. Sibiu, F.As nr. 493)

In order to get cured of the infection called toxoplasmosis, which affects the sight, I did as follows: after seeing the ophthalmologist and at his recommendation, I ran medical tests at Cantacuzino Institute, from Bucharest. With the result of the tests, I saw the homeopathic doctor Ion Dumitrescu, who works at the clinic from Bucharest (str. Traian nr. 160). At this clinic you can make an appointment for a medical consultation at tel. 021/2522800, 2522100. I managed to get cured with the treatment prescribed by this doctor.
Felicia Iliescu- str. P. Tarusanu nr. 5, Bucharest, tel. 021/2230105
2. As any parasite, toxoplasmosis has a development cycle. Man represents the host-organism for toxoplasmosis, which causes inflammatory reactions in almost all the organs, and especially in the encephalon. I represent one of the cases. I suffered from ganglion toxoplasmosis and this disease was detected with a lot of difficulty and I underwent a long standing treatment. I finally obtained remarkable results with products based on aloe Vera; I took Aloe Berry Nectar for a few months- 50 ml a day in the morning, before eating, at least one hour before breakfast; I also poured 2 drops of Aloe Activator into my eyes, two times a day. On August 31st 2001, when I ran the medical test again, the result was negative. Let me attach here the blood test file nr. 245 from Cantacuzino Institute, which shows that I had this parasite and that I do not have it any more.
Florica Paunescu- str. Povernei nr. 19-21, sector 1, Bucharest, tel. 021/6596983, 0745/198178

</b><b>"Is there any natural treatment against primitive biliary cirrhosis?"
(Answer for M.J. - Timisoara, F.As nr. 493)

Let me attach here a receipt that is beneficial for the entire gastro-intestinal tract. Receipt against chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases: 2 g royal jelly, ½ kg lemons (sliced), ½ kg honey, ½ l olive oil, ½ l lime and all saints" wort tea (Hypericum perforatum) - you can obtain the essence by boiling the plants into 1 l of water, until you get ½ l. Way of preparation: mix all the ingredients and let them steep for 10 days. (Do not use metal objects, but only those made of wood, glass or plastic). Way of administering: 3 teaspoonfuls a day. The patient should at once lie on his right side, as the preparation, being very strong, may cause dizziness.
M. Mohan- Barlad

"I was diagnosed with epididymitis"
(Answer for Mircea, F.As nr. 493)

You may undergo the following treatment against this disorder: take one teaspoonful of honey with apilarnil before the main meals. In the morning, before breakfast: 3 g of pollen. In the evening, before going to bed: 2 teaspoonfuls of honey with propolis. After taking the bath, you should smear the scrotum and the next area (towards the abdomen) with Nikepropt ointment or with apilarnil honey. You may also use pills with apilarnil: 3 per day, for no more than three months (it may cause hormone disorders). You should drink tea made from: 300 g marigold (Calendula), 100 g of milfoil (Achillea millefolium), 100 g stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). Put a teaspoonful of this mixture for 250 ml of water. You should drink 1, 5-2 l every day, with sips, during the entire day. Add one spoonful of original Swedish bitter at every mug of tea. In the evening you should take local seat baths or steam baths with horse tail (Equisetum arvense) - the bath should last 20 minutes). You should take 3-4 baths a week. The scrotum should also be smeared with marjoram oil (Origanum Marjorana) and you could also apply compresses with hogweed leaves (Heracleum sphondylium).
Georgel Birca- str. Sucevei nr. 31, Falticeni, tel. 0745/400400

"At the age of only 5 years old, my niece masturbates herself"
(Answer for D.F. Bacau, F.As nr. 493)

1. The problem of the little girl is rather delicate and it is connected rather to instinct than to will. By trying to explain to her, kindly or with severity, you can make her hide herself or, possibly, feel guilty and withdraw into herself. However, if she understands the gravity of this fact and tries to impose her will, there is the risk that it should become an automatic practice (especially while sleeping). I think that you should talk to her as little as possible. In such situations, the discussions and advice stimulate certain conducts. Some film or magazine images can also have the same effects. I do not know whether the classic medicine gives too much importance to these issues. Between certain limits, they are normal, but they are not desirable. If you really want to help her, you should try to divert her energy- as, in fact, it is a matter of energy- to another direction, and to eliminate- as much as you can- the factors that are responsible for this behavior. A very good digestion and emptying her urinary bladder right when it is necessary are extremely important. A light eating, rich in fresh vegetables (carrot, parsley, beet root, cabbage, parsnip etc) and autochthonous fruit (apples, pears, grapes, peaches, cherries, apricots etc.) will improve her conduct. You should eliminate from her eating the fat food, food that lies heavy on the stomach, frying, very salted or sour food, hot spices (pepper), synthetic chemical products and the canned food in general, fresh onion and garlic, the horseradish, the black radish. You should use carminative spices: dill, savory, sweet basil, lovage etc. The intestinal gases can cause such practices. The last meal of the day should be very light (apples, pears or other fruit compote) and it should not be later than 6-7 p.m. Another factor is the air. The little girl should not come into contact with smokers (especially close relatives). Airing her room, walking in the open, running, swimming, sports in general, help the energies concentrate into normal directions. The calm, loving and relaxed family atmosphere is extremely important. Such manifestations may occur in the case of the very sensitive children, as defense against the environment conditions. Certainly, the most important is praying. Teach her how to pray; you all should pray, but you should not forget about the others. A similar case is analyzed in one of the books written by S.N. Lazarev ("The system of fields automatic regulation", "Pure Karma", "Love"). In the book written by Louis Kuhne "The New Curing Science", you may find a lot of good advice. Everything may be solved with a lot of patience and tactfulness; you will certainly manage. In a few years" time, you will be amazed what wonderful niece you have. May God help you! I owe all this knowledge to the unique Mr. Valeriu Popa.
Alina- e-mail:
2. The reason of your concern is justified. I am shocked to read in numerous magazines that this habit is not harmful, but, on the contrary, it is "beneficial" for the organism. This is a lie, in spite of the fact that it is asserted even by the doctors. Just like your niece, I was born with this vice and I know what it means and what its consequences are. I am 35 years old, I am a teacher, I am a responsible person and I wish I had a family, which is not possible because I cannot have sexual relations with a man. After a sexual contact, I feel exhausted, I am dizzy and I have terrible headaches, as my organism is exhausted because I had this habit since I was a child until I was 15 years old. However, what could you do to help your niece? You had better not watch her, as-feeling that she is being watched- she will try to remain alone so that she could fall back into her own bad ways. You should enroll her at a sport, preferably swimming, which she should regularly practice. She should avoid eating spiced food and meat. Do not let her spend too much time in front of the Tv and, if you can, avoid the computer games that irritate one"s mind and make the children nervous and impatient. Try to spend with her as much time as possible in the middle of nature, in the park, and as little time as possible indoors. The fresh air, the sports and the walks will calm her nerves and will calm down her habits. Even if she is young, give her little responsibilities in the house, take her with you in the kitchen and play the cooking. You should not try to force her, as you may obtain the opposite effect; try to divert her attention towards other things. When she grows up, you can explain to her that this habit affects her health. And a last piece of advice, which may seem puerile to some of you: pray to God every day, to drive away the demons around her, which make her abuse herself. This may seem a stupid thing to you. However, you should try and you will see that something will change in a few weeks" time. You should not blame the little girl. The parents are to blame, as they devote themselves to passions and abuses. For example, when I was conceived, my father used to drink a lot. I gave up this vice when I was 15 years old and I read the New Testament for the first time. When I understood that there is a God who knows all the details of my life, I was ashamed of myself. However, it seems it was too late. I wish you the best!
Crina Iordache -Bucharest