
Health. Our Readers Ask. "Help me save the life of my little daughter! ". I turn to you, hoping to save the life of my little daughter, Paula. In September 2001, at the age of only one year and a half, my daughter had one of her kidneys surgically removed, because of a tumor. The medical tests showed...

Our Readers Ask

</b><b>"Help me save the life of my little daughter! "

I turn to you, hoping to save the life of my little daughter, Paula. In September 2001, at the age of only one year and a half, my daughter had one of her kidneys surgically removed, because of a tumor. The medical tests showed that the tumor had a malign character and she underwent a treatment with cytostatic for six months. Last week, an echography showed a tumor on her liver. Again, the doctors suggested that my daughter should undergo another surgery and another treatment with cytostatic. Neither we, nor our daughter could bear the treatment! The little girl is only two years old! All we want is to save her life and you are our last hope. I wish you to be in good health!
Paula-Cluj-Napoca, tel. 0264/446521 (on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays during 19.00-22.00)

"I endure unbearable pains and the doctors cannot diagnose me "

I am 28 years old and I have seen a lot of doctors during the last five months. I have been sent from one section to another. Some doctors prescribed me a treatment while others could not even diagnose me. Five months ago, the right cheek got swollen, but it did not hurt at all. In two days time, the swelling became bigger and, even if it did not hurt, I saw a dentist. He evacuated the infection and prescribed me a lot of antibiotics. Even though I went to see the doctor periodically, the swelling grew just a little bit smaller. After three weeks, I could feel the pain in the whole right side of my head. Then, the top of my head began to hurt and, at present, besides some terrible headaches which would not cease even if I take sedatives, I also suffer from nausea, dizziness and itching sensations on my forehead and near my ears. I cannot even stand up. After two computerized tomographies, I was told that it was nothing wrong with my brain. I have been hospitalized three times so far. All that the doctors could tell me was that I had a cerebral oedema because of a minor infection or an inflammation and that this oedema was reabsorbed due to the treatment I had undergone. I have also run some medical tests and their result was good (my Vsh is 12). The doctors do not know any longer what to do for me. I see all kind of dentists and neurologists and they prescribe me lots of anti-inflammatory and sedatives which are not effective at all. My entire life has become a torment, I have terrible pains day and night and I feel sick. If there is anybody who knows of a natural or allopathic treatment, please, help me. Thank you very much!
Cristina Pavel-str. Basarabiei, bl.16 A, ap.40, Cartier I. C. Frimu, Galati, tel. 0236/415944

</b><b>"How could stomach cancer be treated?"

My mother suffers from stomach cancer and the surgery consisted only in opening up and in closing her abdomen, without any hopeHowever, my mother has a huge desire to live, she wants to stay alive by all means. Having my heart broken by the thought that she might die, I ask you, please, to recommend me a medicine man, or those who may have suffered from the same disease to tell me what treatment they underwent. I also add that, even if she is weak, my mother does not have stomachaches, only a kind of pressure; she can move and she also has a good state of mind. May God help you all!
Magdalina Moldovan-str. Pictor Tonitza, bl F3, sc A, ap.2, Mangalia, Jud. Constanta, tel.0241/753340-int1062, 0241/756560 (during 20.00 - 22.00)

</b><b>"My mother suffers from osseous metastasis"

I turn to you, as I think that you are my last hope: maybe you have heard of any natural treatment, or maybe an experienced and compassionate doctor will read this request. On May 6th, 2002, my mother was hospitalized at the Timisoara Hospital because she was having terrible pains in her chest and back, and she was feeling sick (she could not swallow or eat anything). The diagnosis was the result of some medical tests and of three punctures in her breast bone: osseous metastasis. What came next was even worse: because of the calcium fast loss from her body, when she made a sudden gesture, - even if she had terrible pains, she wanted to sit down in a wheelchair - she broke her both arms from the shoulder. Her trunk was wrapped up tightly with bandage from her neck to her waist and now she lies only on her back, without moving, having only her hands loose. We can hardly move her in order to use the bedpan because she has terrible pains in her back. We received some very small quantity of Betadina solution from the hospital and we must smear her all the time, as she already has some problems with her back and buttocks. However, we cannot reach her back and I think that she has wounds because she complains of having burning sensations and smarting pains. This week, the doctors intend to send her home as they say that they have done everything possible: cytostatic, calcium, and blood thinning injections. I would like you to suggest me what we can do to alleviate my mothers suffering. What could we possibly do to "solder "her bones so that scabs do not appear on her back? Thank you very much!
Violeta Ciobanu-Timisoara

"I was diagnosed with 2 mm intra-extramural adenoumatous duodenal polyp"

I turn to the readers of the" Formula As" magazine to ask for their help to treat the following disease diagnosed after some specialized medical tests. The diagnosis was 2 mm intra-extramural adenoumatous duodenal polyp. The doctor suggested that the polyp should be surgically removed. I would like to know if there is any natural treatment against the above-mentioned disease. Thank you very much!
Viorel G. Bucharest

</b><b>"My mother suffers from mieloblastic syndrome "

My mother has been ill for two years. At the very beginning she became pale and she lost all her physical resistance. After running some medical tests, the doctors noticed that her hemoglobin was lower. In April 2001 it was 6g. We were sent to the "Fundeni" Hospital for some investigations at the hematology section, where she was diagnosed with: mieloblastic syndrome - annular siderobalsts sideroblastic anemia. She was repeatedly hospitalized at Targu-Jiu, where she underwent a treatment with vitamins (B6, B12), folic acid, antibiotics, perfusions and transfusions with integral blood and erythrocytes. She needs all these in order to stay alive. I turn to you, hoping to find a treatment that could save her, that could help her stop depending on hospitalizations, on transfusionsThank you very much in advance and I wish you to be in good health!
Gheorghe Raventa-Targu-Jiu

"My husband suffers from tongue carcinoma"

In 1995, my 41 year old husband suffered from tuberculosis. In 2000 he was diagnosed with liquid decompensated cirrhosis. This year, an excrescence has appeared on his tongue and a ganglion on his throat. He cannot eat any longer and he has pains in the affected side of his head and in the affected ear. He underwent a biopsy and he was diagnosed with tongue carcinoma. The doctor advised him to undergo surgery and cobalt therapy, but we would prefer some other kind of treatment.
Tanta Petcu - str. Frunzei nr 109. bl.9G, ap.64, Galati, cod 6200, tel.0236/492658

"My sister suffers from secreting pituitary adenoma and uterine fibroma"

I have a 41 year old sister who, this year in May, after having run some medical tests at "Parhon" Endocrinology Institute-Bucharest, was diagnosed with secreting pituitary adenoma and uterine fibroma. Against the pituitary adenoma, the doctors suggested that she should undergo high voltage X-rays (radiotherapy) at the "Fundeni" Oncology Institute Bucharest; as to the uterine fibroma, the doctors suggested surgery, but she does not want to undergo radiotherapy. I would also like to mention that she does not have headaches or dizziness sensations and that her optical nerve has not been affected. However, her body swells a lot, especially her face and her joints. She feels sick and tired. If there is anybody who suffered from the same disease and got cured or if there is anybody who knows of a natural or allopathic treatment and could help us, please, do so! Thank you very much in advance.
Mariana Voinea - Cartier Razboieni, bl.C2, Sc. A, ap.5, Pitesti, Jud. Arges, cod 0300, tel.0248/641772

"I have hydatid cysts on my liver"

In March 2000 three hydatid cysts were surgically removed from my liver. This year in May, after an echography, the doctor noticed another hydatid cyst having 3, 7 cm / 5, 5 cm. This cyst is projected at the level of the anterior hepatic segment 4, beyond the hepatic contour. It gives me pains and pressure sensations every day, even when I breathe. Being aware of the difficulties I had in bearing the first surgery, I turn to you to help me find another solution to get cured of the cyst. I already know what allopathic treatment is about (with many medicines which have adverse reactions and side effects). Let me inform you that these hydatid cysts, in certain circumstances, may lead to complications or they may even endanger ones life. My questions to those who know something about my disorder are: is there any effective treatment (natural or alternative), which is less harmful to my already precarious health, and could help me get cured of the hydatid cysts? is there anybody in our country who suffered from the same disorder and who may give me a piece of advice? If you sympathize with me and if there is anyway you can help me, please write to me.
Dragut Constantin str. Scolilor nr.52, bl. B15, sc.2, ap.31, Braila, cod 6100, tel. 0239/ 63.69.55, 63.58.72

</b><b>"How can I get rid of being dependant on Bixtonim?"

I am 34 years old and I have been dependant on pharmaceutical products Rinofug at the beginning and then Bixtonim since I was 16. I use one phial of Bixtonim every 3-4 days. My wife (29) is also dependant on the same product (she uses one phial every 1-2 days). I feel stuffy especially during the summer, when it is excessively hot outside. If I do not use Bixtonim or if I use something else instead, I have terrible pains in the middle of my forehead and I feel that I cannot breathe normally. Let me also mention that I was also given hydrocortisone nose injections when I was 21, but they had no effect at all. I would like you to advise me what to do, to suggest me a natural treatment (if possible) or something effective to get cured of this disorder. Thank you very much.
Liviu Andronache Iasi

Our Readers Answer

</b><b>"I have been down with colds for 30 years"
(Answer for Niculai Bejan Com. Padureni, Jud. Vaslui, F. As no.489)

The treatment that I would like to recommend to you is both simple and effective. It is important that you should stick to the treatment and believe in its effectiveness. Put one teaspoon of crowfoot blossom (Ranunculus), one of camomille (Matriceria chamomilla) and one of plantain (Plantago) into 300 ml of boiling water. Boil this mixture on a low heat gently for 7 minutes. Strain it, cool it and then add honey and lemon. Drink 2-3 cups of tea every day for 2-3 days. May this treatment be good for you and may God help you!
Eugenia Andronache Str. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 121, sector 1, Bucharest

"How can I avoid having my salivary glands surgically removed?"
(Answer for Teodora Bucharest, F. As no. 514)

My brother had the same problem and got cured with the help of Mrs. Duminica Constantin (at Corbu Traian), com. Stalpeni, sat Livezeni-Piata, Jud. Arges, cod 0411, tel. 0248/665253.

"Is there any natural treatment against chronic insomnia?"
(Answer for Elena Ionescu Bucharest, F. As no.514)

I am a regular reader of the "Formula As" magazine and I would like to help you because, in my turn, I was helped by other readers. Insomnia represents one of the most common symptoms of a nervous disorder. As a consequence of a personal drama which I experienced four years ago, I was left with a chronic insomnia. I believe it was a miracle that I got cured of it. I took 20 sessions of reflex-therapy at the "Revital" consulting room about which I found out through the intermediary of the magazine, too. The doctors from this consulting room advised me to eat natural food and to drink natural drinks, such as: rice, sprung wheat, green vegetables, milk, bean soup with margarine, cold drinks (vegetables and fruit juice). They also advised me not to eat or drink: fish, meat, spices, Chinese tea, coffee, and cocoa, hot dinks, food prepared with corn, buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum), millet (Panicum millaccum), oat (Avena sativa), garlic, and vinegar. The patient should not have copious meals in the evening, before going to bed. He also should avoid watching violent films or news. Before going to bed, it is advisable to take one hour-long walks. The doctors from the consulting room will also prescribe you some natural products which, together with these beneficial sole massages are amazingly effective. I used the following plants: hawthorn (Carataegus monogyna), valerian (Valeriana officinalis), all-saints-wort (Hypericun perforatum), garden balm (Melissa officinalis), pollen and passion flowers (Passiflora incarnate). I took plants baths, as I had been advised by the doctors from the consulting room. After following these natural procedures, you will obtain the expected result. The address of the consulting room is: Bucharest, str Iancu de Hunedoara nr.9, bl.I1, Sc.B, ap.44, interfon044, tel. 021/2301167; Calea Mosilor nr. 223, bl.37, apt. 58, interphone 58, tel. 021/2103920, 0722/310877.
Maria Teodorescu-Bucuresti, tel. 021/2220061

"Could progressive muscle dystrophy be treated?"
(Answer for Daniel Stefan- loc. Sfaras, Jud. Salaj,

Yes, it could be treated effectively with ammatherapy, by combining the following procedures: chiropractics, press puncture, shiatsu and easy physical exercises. The latter will be done in accordance with a special program set up by the therapist who treats your disease. It is a natural treatment which recovers your nervous system, and then your muscles. You should take coenzyme Q10 - 3 tablets a day, eat fresh yeast - as big as a nut - in the morning, before eating, and drink hip rose (Rosa canina) or box thorn (Lycium) tea - 3 cups a day. We wish you to be in good health!
"Bioactiv" Recuperation Center- Calea Calarasi nr.81, Bucharest, sector3, tel. 021/3207684

"I need a natural treatment against hypercholesterolemia and cholesterolosis"
(Answer for Elena Simion-Bacau, F.As nr. 517)

Dear Lady, try to drink 3 cups of artichoke (Cynara Scolymus), crowfoot (Ranunculus), all- saints wort (Hypericun perforatum) tea (not concentrated) every day. The above mentioned kinds of tea should be drunk alternatively, each of them for a period of two weeks. Repeat the procedure for a few months and, at the same time, take therapeutic massage and reflex-therapy sessions. This is a longstanding treatment but with great and stable effects. You should lead a moderate and balanced life. We wish you to be in good health!
"Bioactiv" Recuperation Center Bucharest

</b><b>"I would like a treatment against ulcerative coloproctitis"
(Answer for Simona Budai Botosani, F. As no.518)

Dear editorial staff, I could help the young reader of your magazine who suffers from Crohn disease. First of all, I can offer her for free Salofalk and I would also like to suggest her to try a treatment with Budesonide or with Entocort the Romanian version. This product is a specific cortisonic product but it is a little bit expensive. I have recently received via Internet, a medical gazette edited in Usa, in which an effective treatment with low doses of Methotrexate is recommended for this disease. It is an accessible medicine that may be bought from any pharmacy. I am an advanced organic chemistry and applied biochemistry professor. I am 66 years old and I was retired for medical reasons (a disease which was not properly diagnosed and treated by famous specialists of gastroenterology. As a result I suffer the consequences but I am very well documented as far as the intestine disorders and the nutritional matters are concerned.
Prof. Dr. Harry Hoffenberg Str. C. Negri nr.62, Sc.B, ap.20, Iasi, cod 6600, tel. 0232/ 216859. E-mail:,,

"Is there any natural way to increase the lactation?"
(Answer for Adriana Novoseli F. As no.519)

1. My name is Roxana and I have a 1 year and 5 months daughter. I would like to recommend you to drink non-alcoholic beer, milk or any other milk products, and many liquids (caraway Carum carvi -, anise Pimpinella anisum - and lime Tilia tea) for increasing your lactation. Both methods were effective in my case. Good luck and best wishes!
Roxana Lilea Bucharest, e-mail:
2. Almost every mother who suckles her child comes to wonder if her child is properly fed. It is a fact that certain mothers believe that they do not have enough milk if their new born does not eat regularly every 3-4 hours or if he does not sleep during the night at the age of 6 weeks. Your child should eat regularly. Mothers milk is easier to be digested than the one on the market. This is why the children fed by sucking eat more often (10-12 times or even more every 24 hours). Babies grow fast especially around the following ages: 10 days, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. During these intervals, the baby wants to suckle and he will often give the impression of being hungry. The specialists are much more worried about those babies who sleep continuously for long periods of time than about those who want to be frequently fed. You should notice any change in the babys weight especially during his first weeks. You should also notice if he loses weight. Make sure that your suckling method is the right one. Try to avoid the feeding bottles and the babys dummies. Your food should be healthy, varied and complete from the nutritional point of view. For further information or for prescribing you a treatment, please call me.
Dr. Lucia Gherasimiuc Bucharest, tel. 0723/ 716893.

"I suffer from advanced dysplasia"
(Answer for M.D. Canada, F. As no.519)

1. Genital dysplasia, especially at the cervix level, occurs because of some older disorders and dysfunctions of the organism. It would be advisable to undergo a natural treatment both before and after the surgery because it facilitates a neuro-endocrine and an immunologic balance for the entire organism. I would like to recommend you an injectable treatment with aloe extract, which was very effective for me. You may combine isinglass fish (Acipenser huso) liver oil with vitamin A palmitate. Respectfully yours,
Dr. Zamfir Usa; tel. 1(718)8985194; e-mail:
2. Dear M.D., I would like to encourage you by telling you that I was in a similar situation last spring, and now I am fine, thank God! The Pap test showed stage Iii and therefore I underwent a biopsy. The diagnosis was: high risk advanced dysplasia. The doctors told me that I should immediately undergo surgery to have the respective infected area removed from the cervix (surgically and not by cauterization). I took my chances (it was not easy at all) and I decided to try a natural treatment first. I went to Mr. Vasile Popas consulting room "Natura-Medica" - Bucharest (I take this opportunity to thank him one more time and I would like to send him my gratitude). There I was prescribed a 2 months treatment. After two months I went to see the doctor for a colposcopy and he told me that the surgery was not necessary any longer because the disease seemed to regress. I continued the treatment and I went to see the doctor every 3 months (for colposcopy). Now I am completely cured. I really want you to know that the ointment prescribed by Mr. Vasile Popa to treat cervix disorders is absolutely miraculous. I also read in "Formula As", about a treatment against micro cystic mastoptosis (you can read it below), which was very effective, as well. After 40 days, the echography did not show any cyst any more! The doctor could not believe her eyes! However, I believe that the treatment is effective for relatively small cysts; I do not know whether it is advisable to be used against breast nodules or other serious related affections. I strongly recommend this treatment against micro cystic mastoptosis. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do in all the readers behalf! Do not ever stop publishing this magazine! May God bless you!
Receipt for cystic mastoptosis: Boil 2 spoonful of blackwort root (Radix Symphytum officinale) pieces, as they sell at Plafar into 500-600 ml of water over a low heat gently (in order to prevent evaporation, cover the pot with a reverted lid and put a heavy glass ashtray on it); after it boils for 20-25 minutes, add the following plants: 1 teaspoonful of walnut tree leaves (Juglans regia), 1 teaspoonful of milfoil (Achillea millefolium), 1 teaspoonful of camomille (Matriceria chamomilla), half a teaspoonful of common celandine (Chelidonum majus) in bigger quantities it is toxic -. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes and then strain it. Divide the obtained liquid into 2 portions and drink one cup of it in the evening and one of it in the morning, one hour before eating. Use the remaining plants to apply lukewarm cataplasms on the breasts.

"I have terrible pains after having undergone two varicose veins surgeries"
(Answer for Traian Codreanu Brasov, F. As no.521)

Dear Sir, the hydrostatic varicose veins occur because of a blood vessels trophicity disturbance. As a consequence of some other noxious factors, the venous elasticity increases and the blood capacity to return from the periphery to the heart decreases; this is why the hydrostatic varicose veins occur. Many scientific researches have shown that the natural extract of Gingko Biloba have a direct effect on the veins and arteries musculature if the dimensions of the blood vessels are not optimum. Let me recommend you a 100% natural extract which contains 100 mg Gingko Biloba and is found in Bio-Biloba product.
Dr. Claudia Ciocan Bucharest, tel. 021/ 2023023

</b><b>"My cousin suffers from placenta praevia"
(Answer for Daniela Popescu Alexandria, F. As no.522)

I also suffered from placenta praevia, but I found out about it only during the last month of pregnancy (it must have occurred as a consequence of a fall). Just like your cousin, I was 31 years old when I was pregnant. Now I have a 4 year old daughter. All along the pregnancy I underwent a treatment with Alilestrenol because I was suffering from a hormonal insufficiency and this is why the doctors prescribed me hormonal pills. Unlike your cousin I went to work up to the last month. It is very difficult to rest all the time, but if she wants this child she will manage. While I was in the maternity hospital, I saw some women who were hospitalized all along their pregnancy and everything was all right. Be careful, even if she has her child after 7 or 9 months of pregnancy, she will have to undergo a caesarian. I wish her to be in good health!
Irina Braila

</b><b>"My 5 year old daughter has only 6 months left to live"
(Answer for Cornelia Iosif Com. Stefan-Voda, Jud. Calarasi, F. As no. 522)

1. You should ask for the medicines you have not found yet at the "Sensiblu" pharmacies. You may call the Customers service non-stop -, which is a free call: 021/ 8081234. For a proper treatment, let me recommend you the well known doctor Pavel Chirila from the "Naturalia" consulting room (tel. 021/ 4915133, 4915136). God help you!
Ioana Dinulescu Bucharest
2. I have 2 boxes with Isoprinosine (100 tablets), and I would like to offer them to your daughter, hoping that she will get better. I am waiting for the little girls mother to get in touch with me.
Nicoleta Stanoiu Bucharest; e-mail:

</b><b>"My mother suffers from invasive carcinoma"
(Answer for Andreea Baetelu Bucharest, F. As no.522)

Dear Andrea, because of the Uv rays, the atmospheric pollutants, the heavy metals and the cigarette smoke, free radicals are synthesized in the organism. The latter are noxious products of metabolism and may cause Adn (genetic code), cellular membranes and structural proteins destruction. We all risk having cancer. There are no guarantees, but it is our responsibility to lead a healthy life. A balanced diet reduces the possibility of falling ill, and the scientists have already shown that there are substances which have this protective effect. One of these powerful substances is Selenium. Many researches have shown that there is a high possibility to have cancer unless the food contains enough selenium. A recent ample research the Precise research for Europe and America was accomplished; it is a thorough analysis of the beneficial effects of the organic selenium in preventing cancer for 42.000 people of 60-74 years old. Bio-Selenium + Zinc contains some of the most important antioxidants, such as vitamins A, B6, C and E, as well as the minerals selenium and zinc. This mixture has proved to have a significant protective effect on all those persons who are predisposed to different forms of cancer. I would like to advise your mother to use this product, too. I wish you to be in good health!
Dr. Claudia Ciocan Bucharest, tel. 021/2023023.